Personal Training, Group Fitness, & Remote Programming
Personal Training
Starting at $100/month
Our personal training clients get in-person sessions up to three times per week. We’ll have an in-depth meeting before you start to talk about your goals, your fitness history, and any injuries or health concerns to be aware of.
This option is perfect for clients who are working toward a specific goal, or prefer a more intimate training atmosphere.
Group Fitness
Come in at scheduled times up to five times per week, Monday - Friday! Class sizes are small, usually around 3-5 and we focus on general physical preparedness. Strength! Cardio! Flexibility! Calisthenics!
Perfect for those who love variance and want to expand on all of their fitness skills.
Remote Programming
Our remote clients have the most flexibility of all. As many workouts per week as you want, geared toward whatever your current goals are! Includes video review and access to coaching through online messaging services.